Installations to maximize click on the photo “Seed Production”, cardboard (paper) matrix, printmaking ink, 2012 “Seed Production”, detail “Seed Production”, detail “Seed Production”, 2012 “Seed Production”, detail “Seed Production”, detail “Hades, the abode of the dead”, ATHENS ASSOCIATION OF GREEK ARCHAEOLOGISTS, 2o Athens Print Fest 2012 “The Three Graves”, detail “Hades, the abode of the dead: ELYSIAN FIELDS”, screen-print on x-ray “Elysian Fields”, ATHENS ASSOCIATION OF GREEK ARCHAEOLOGISTS, 2o Athens Print Fest 2012 “Elysian Fields”, detail, 2o Athens Print Fest 2012 “Elysian Fields”, detail “Hades, the abode of the dead, TARTARUS”, screen-print on x-ray, 2012 “Tartarus”, detail “Tartarus”, detail, 2o Athens Print Fest 2012 “Tartarus”, ATHENS ASSOCIATION OF GREEK ARCHAEOLOGISTS, Print Fesival 2012 “Tartarus”, detail “Tartarus”, detail “Bleeding Athens”, screen prints , collage of prints, blocks of construction, recycle papaer, fishing line, 10 m x 150 cm, 2009 “Bleeding Athens”, 2009 “Bleeding Athens”, detail “Bleeding Athens”, detail “Bleeding Athens”, detail “Bleeding Athens”, detail “What is the destiny of a home that gets old?”wood, seeds, leaves, flowers, metal, bamboo, beads, fruits, wire, yarn “What is the destiny of a home that gets old?”, detail “What is the destiny of a home that gets old?”, detail “What is the destiny of a home that gets old?”, detail “What is the destiny of a home that gets old?”, detail “What is the destiny of a home that gets old?”, detail “Nests”, wood, branches-background, fruits, seeds, leaves, wire, yarn “Nests”, detail “Nests”, detail “Nests”, detail “Nests”, detail “Nests”, detail “Kites 2009”, wood, fruits, seeds, leaves, branches, flowers, natural colors “Kites 2009”, detail “Kites 2009”, detail “Kites 2009”, detail “Kites 2009”, detail “Kites 2009”, detail “City Life”, digital prints – lithography, wood cut, etching -, 400 cm x 300 cmCollaboration with Dimitra Koumantaki, 2006 “City Life”, digital prints – lithography, wood cut, etching, screen prints -, 400 cm x 300 cm, 2006 “City Life”, digital prints – lithography, wood cut, etching -, 400 cm x 300 cm, 2007