My art work is a journey in monuments, buildings, areas, cities, like Rethymno, Athens, Boston, New York, Tokio, Havana, San Miguel de Allente… countries, like Saudi Arabia, Spain, Argentina, Cuba, Tunisia, Mexico, U.S.A., Greece … that they focus on my desire to share the beauty and the mystery that surrounding them. The viewer is encouraged to enter the area of the monument and to feel the atmosphere, the history, the philosophy of the people who live, lived, used and continue to use it as a sacred means of habitat, or site of work, or meditation place, or entertainment hall, or education space or sport institute. It is a tour of urban space, where a combination of rigor and freedom of performance is presented, one that intervenes in the contents of the building structure using geometric and organic elements, as well as an incessant transformation of the form that translates the timelessness of the building, or a report on the four seasons, sometimes an investigation of the experiential approach, in other cases a creative recording of buildings from antiquity to modern times, which they set an art environment with playful tendency. The present structures are constructed with plexiglas cut in different levels and shapes with prints. My prints are Woodcuts, Lithographs, Etchings and Serigraphs on paper and plexiglas.
Marina Maravelaki, 2014 – 2015

“What is the destiny of a home that gets old?”
The “Bird nests” present the rivalries between ancient and modern world and of human desire. Their structure goes with the time and the place where they act. They are presented as a game. It is a place in rivalry to established ideas. It is a moving system of beings not restricted of anything and not attached to anything. It is a total of creatures of which the basic lines of prospective are the information, the opinion and a reference to four seasons, talking about environmental phenomena and a material connected to recycling and is contradictory to our senseless consumptions behavior.
It is a classic already subject that man faces because he is not concerned with coexistence but with his will.
A Phenomenon.
A Hypothetical Example.
A Creature of his Imagination.
A given thing, another world, another planet that summarizes that principles and tries to find proofs explanations putting a lot of questions…
It is important the way, each one, faces his destiny.
Marina Maravelaki, 2012

“Good Morning Athens!”
A nonchalant stroll of images and urban experiences that form an ever-changing game of epochs, days and months through the use of geometric and also organic architectural elements. Signs of life with objects that highlight the different function of each building, at different phases of time. Trend for lifting and fixation. Confrontations of materials and symbols. Character dreaming and organizational simultaneously. A search on the paths of urban space that refers to a mystical character of the building – of the city. Dynamic atmosphere resulting from the pointed reconstruction of buildings with monumental character and strict design performance, but also their lyrical, and atmospheric approach, emanating from the warm color palette and transparencies of materials. A story without end characterized by experimentation, optical illusions, successions of architectural styles, but also musicality. The philosophy of change, reflected in buildings, implies changing the past in the present and the future as a mirror of our nature and life.                                                                                                                                                                       Good Morning Athens! – Good Night Athens!
Images of Athens during the day and night
Images of Athens in diferent seasons, days and months
Images of Athens through her buildings
Images of Athens through my eyes
Images of Athens through my present and past experiences
Images of Athens through of cultural symboles
Images of Athens as in my dreams
Marina Maravelaki, 2008